About Empress Maria Alexandrovna

The memory of Empress Maria Alexandrovna has stood the test of time and crossed borders. Although she may not be in the forefront of historiography, her legacy is deeply embedded in culture, geography, literature, and film. Landmarks like the legendary Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg and the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv bear her name. Cities such as Mariinsky Posad and Mariinsk in Russia, and Mariehamn in Finland, also honor her. Additionally, the renowned "Mariinsky" Gymnasiums have been preserved in almost every major city in Russia.

Most importantly, the grateful memory of the Empress’s good deeds has endured, despite the challenges and complexities of her time. I want to share a touching discovery from the archives of the Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral in Geneva. Empress Maria Alexandrovna supported the construction of this church. Years later, in 1905, long after her death, Archpriest Sergei Orlov became the church’s rector. He had previously served at the Ryazan Mariinsky Women’s Gymnasium. Letters and receipts preserved in the church archives show that Father Sergei actively supported the Empress’s initiatives, which outlived her: the Russian Red Cross Society, the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, and the Empress Maria Alexandrovna’s Trust for the Blind.

Indeed, the seeds of goodness, once sown, endure through time. These words could well serve as the Empress’s motto and her legacy to all of us.
Empress Maria Alexandrovna: A Complex Legacy
When discussing the personality of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, it’s important not to fall into the trap of portraying an overly idealized image. Such a depiction would not be true to historical accuracy. The Empress was a real person, a woman with a complex character, as contemporaries recalled. She had her passions and bouts of anger, which she didn’t always succeed in suppressing. However, she consciously and diligently worked on herself, overcoming these inner struggles. She rose above sin by responding to evil with kindness, betrayal with patience, and destruction with creation. This gave her strength.
Her unique blend of conservative Orthodox thinking with a pragmatic and business-like approach, along with openness to new ideas and technologies, combined with her personal qualities, became the secret to the success and longevity of the initiatives she established. The viability and authenticity of these initiatives lay in their connection to real life and the pressing needs of individual people and the country as a whole.
Empress Maria Alexandrovna left behind many mysteries and questions that future generations of researchers will need to answer.
Biography Timeline of Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1824–1880)
1818, April 29: Birth of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor Alexander II, husband of Maria Alexandrovna
1823, July 15: Birth of her brother, Prince Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine
1824, August 8: Birth of Princess Marie of Hesse and by Rhine
August 26: Baptism of Princess Marie
1825, December 1: Death of Emperor Alexander I of Russia in Taganrog. Accession of Emperor Nicholas I, the father of Alexander II
1826, May 27: Death of her sister, Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine
September 3: Coronation of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia
1827 – Acquisition of Heiligenberg by her mother, the Hereditary Grand Duchess Wilhelmine of Hesse and by Rhine
1836, January 27: Death of her mother, Grand Duchess Wilhelmine of Hesse and by Rhine
1839, March: First visit of Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich to Darmstadt; March 25: Princess Marie meets Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich
1840 – Second visit of Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich to Darmstadt; April 16: Their engagement
September: Princess Marie travels to St. Petersburg via Dresden, Leipzig, Kalisz, Warsaw, Kaunas, and Riga
December 17: Princess Marie converts to Orthodoxy, taking the name and title Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna
December 18: Betrothal of Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna and Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich
1841, April 28: Wedding of Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna and Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich in the Winter Palace
1842, August 30: Birth of their first child, daughter Alexandra (Lina)
1843, September 20: Birth of their eldest son, Grand Duke and Tsarevich (from 1855) Nicholas Alexandrovich (Nixa)
1844, May 25: Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna joins the Women’s Patriotic Society
1845, March 10: Birth of their second son, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the future Emperor Alexander III
1846 – Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna becomes the patroness of the Tsarskoye Selo School for Girls of Clerical Rank
1847, April 22: Birth of their third son, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich.
1849, June 28: Death of their eldest daughter Alexandra
1850, January 14: Birth of their fourth son, Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich
October: Her brother, Prince Alexander of Hesse, and his morganatic wife Julia Hauke leave Russia
1853, October 17: Birth of their second daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna
October: Start of the Crimean War
1855, March 2: Death of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia
1856, March 20: Treaty of Paris
September 7: Coronation of Emperor Alexander II of Russia and Empress Maria Alexandrovna in the Moscow Kremlin
1854, March: England and France enter the war
October: Start of the siege and bombardment of Sevastopol
1857, May 11: Birth of their fifth son, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich
July: Artist Franz Xaver Winterhalter paints a portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna
1858 – Opening of the first school for day students, the first Mariinsky Gymnasium in St. Petersburg
1859, September 20: Coming of age of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich
1859–1860: Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky serves as inspector of classes at the Smolny Institute
Establishment of the Jerusalem Collection by the Chancellery of Empress Maria Alexandrovna
1860 – Establishment of the Society for the Restoration of Orthodox Christianity in the Caucasus under the patronage of Empress Maria Alexandrovna
October 3: Birth of their sixth and last son, Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich
1861, March 3: Emancipation Manifesto abolishing serfdom
Formation of the first revolutionary secret organization "Land and Liberty"
1862, September: Celebrations of the Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod
November 1: Death of Dowager Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Rescript of Emperor Alexander II transferring the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria to the care of Empress Maria Alexandrovna
1863 – Construction of the Russian Hospital in Jerusalem
1863/1864 – Polish Uprising
July: Treatment in Kissingen, beginning of friendship and correspondence with King Ludwig II of Bavaria
April 24: Death of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich in Nice
1866, April 16: First assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II
September: Engagement of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich to Princess Dagmar of Denmark
April 28: Silver wedding anniversary of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna
1866 – Establishment of a Russian school for Arab girls in Beit Jala (Bethlehem)
June: Paris World's Fair, second assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II
1874, January 23: Marriage of their daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Ulster, Earl of Kent
1875 – Uprisings in Bosnia and Herzegovina against Ottoman rule
1867, May: Decree by Emperor Alexander II establishing the Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Soldiers (Russian Red Cross Society from 1879) under the patronage of Empress Maria Alexandrovna
1876, April: The “April Uprising” in Bulgaria
September/October: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky presents the "Slavonic March" / "Serbo-Russian March."
1877, April 24: Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire
July-December: Emperor Alexander II along with his sons is present at the battlefront of the Russo-Turkish War
1878, March 3: Treaty of San Stefano
Revival of the organization "Land and Liberty."
June/July: Berlin Congress
1879 – Formation of the groups "People's Will" and "Black Repartition."
September: Executive committee of "People's Will" sentences Emperor Alexander II to death
1880, February 16: Return of Empress Maria Alexandrovna to St. Petersburg
February 17: Explosion in the Winter Palace organized by terrorists from the „People's Will” in an attempt to assassinate Emperor Alexander II
June 3: Death of Empress Maria Alexandrovna in the Winter Palace
1879, November: Last trip abroad of Empress Maria Alexandrovna to Jugenheim and Nice for treatment
June 9: Burial of Empress Maria Alexandrovna in the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg
1881, March 13: Assassination of Emperor Alexander II by terrorists from the “People's Will” in St. Petersburg