About Empress Maria Alexandrovna
The memory of Empress Maria Alexandrovna has stood the test of time and crossed borders. Although she may not be in the forefront of historiography, her legacy is deeply embedded in culture, geography, literature, and film. Landmarks like the legendary Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg and the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv bear her name. Cities such as Mariinsky Posad and Mariinsk in Russia, and Mariehamn in Finland, also honor her. Additionally, the renowned "Mariinsky" Gymnasiums have been preserved in almost every major city in Russia.
Most importantly, the grateful memory of the Empress’s good deeds has endured, despite the challenges and complexities of her time. I want to share a touching discovery from the archives of the Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral in Geneva. Empress Maria Alexandrovna supported the construction of this church. Years later, in 1905, long after her death, Archpriest Sergei Orlov became the church’s rector. He had previously served at the Ryazan Mariinsky Women’s Gymnasium. Letters and receipts preserved in the church archives show that Father Sergei actively supported the Empress’s initiatives, which outlived her: the Russian Red Cross Society, the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, and the Empress Maria Alexandrovna’s Trust for the Blind.
Indeed, the seeds of goodness, once sown, endure through time. These words could well serve as the Empress’s motto and her legacy to all of us.